
由於受到三年的限聚措施影響,導致本會所有會員期間未能繳交會費續會而變成「凍結會員」。有見及此,本會決定,如會員在2023年內參加本會任何活動,將可免費重新啟動會籍一年,在2024年再次繳交會費續會即可。否則,如會員未能在2023年內參加活動,在2024年將繼續視作「凍結會員」處理。 如對會籍或活動有任疑問,歡迎查詢。

星期六, 3月 09, 2013

活動推介﹕「鹿巢再三點綠」 - 郊野公園「體驗自然」遠足植樹日2013

繼本會以往兩年參與由漁農自然護理署一年一度主辦的植樹活動。今年本會將再接再厲,響應漁護署「推廣保護大自然及樹木的訊息」的郊野公園遠足植樹日活動,支持55日馬鞍山郊野公園的植樹日, 將本會一向愛護自然的理念付緒行動,身體力行為保育大自 然出一份力。詳情如下﹕

日期﹕二零一三年五月五日 (星期日)


A) 0630 屯門安定邨 62X 巴士站

B) 0730 彩虹邨碧海樓 92 巴士站

C) 0815 西貢波蘿輋 92 巴士站


費用: 全免

對象: 公眾

根據漁護署人員向本會提供的訊息,參加者需要步行約一小時多的路程,抵達植樹的地點。漁護署會免費提供每位參加者兩棵樹苗、種植工具,署方建議參加者自備一個環保袋 盛載樹苗,方便步行上山。




Ma On Shan Country Park Hiking and Planting Day 2013 - Luk Chau Shan, Ma On Shan Country Park

In the past two years, Hong Kong Voluntary Youth enrolled in the Country Parks Hiking and Planting Day organized by the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD). In order to follow the mission of AFCD in promoting public awareness on nature conservation and tree preservation, this year, Hong Kong Voluntary Youth also supports AFCD and helps to gather volunteers who are interested in the Ma On Shan Country Park Hiking and Planting Day 2013.

Date: 5th May, 2013 (Sunday)
Time: 0800 to 1300
Venue: Luk Chau Shan, Ma On Shan Country Park

Meeting time and venue:
A) 0630 - 62X Bus Station, On Ting Estate, Tuen Mun
B) 0730 - 92 Bus Station, Pik Hoi House, Choi Hung
C) 0815 - 92 Bus Station, Po Lo Che ,Sai King

Charge: Free

Target: Public

According to the information received from AFCD, hiking time for about 2 hours is needed for participants to arrive at the planting site. Two seedlings and planting tools will be provided by AFCD. It is suggested that each participant should bring a recycle bag to put the seedlings for convenient carry.

